Gazelle is the market leader in the Netherlands and is working hard to expand the organization beyond its own national borders. Quality has been their priority since the foundation in 1892, but the priority of Gazelle now is also to close the gap between their manufacturers and customers. Gazelle is a brand with two different target groups. The B2B target group consists mainly of manufactures and the B2C target group is, of course, the end customer.
To help Gazelle close this gap, Youwe built a Magento B2B portal linked in real-time with SAP and a B2C website to directly sell to the customers. Also, Youwe ConnectIT outsourced a Magento developer for 6 months to help with the project.
Our solution
Youwe first replaced the old custom platform to a Magento 2 platform. The B2B portal needed to be a marketplace where dealerships could exchange old stock with each other. Youwe realized this and the dealerships can now also order spare parts of a bicycle via the portal on the basis of the frame numbers and by that, they arrange the guarantee of bicycle parts in the online portal. The B2B portal was linked to SAP for real-time pricing and stock data, but also a bill of materials based on the frame numbers.
Before, the Royal Dutch Gazelle was only a B2B company which worked with manufacturers which sold the Gazelle bikes to customers, but Gazelle wanted to close the gap between themselves and their customers. To realize this a Magento B2C website was built. The old website which was built on Umbraco was replaced by a Magento Commerce platform. So now there is no more intermediary and the sales can be done directly to the consumer.
The B2B portal is linked to SAP with the Magento SAP Connector. The Magento SAP Connector makes it possible to access your data from your ERP on your Magento Commerce site in real-time. The connector is a universal communication interface that synchronizes and updates any information between both systems in real-time. With this integration, Gazelle can show their customers information about prices, stock and much more in real-time.
To realize this project Gazelle needed more manpower. To help them with this the outsourcing service of Youwe, Youwe ConnectIT, sourced a Magento 2 developer for them. The developer worked on the project for 6 months and helped with building the Magento B2B portal and the B2C website.
The results
With the help of Youwe the way of doing business has changed for Gazelle. From a B2B way of working they now work not only in the B2B market, but also directly with the customer via a B2C website. The B2B portal has been changed dramatically as well. The new Magento portal has a real-time connection with SAP so the manufacturers will see the information about prices and stock in real-time directly from the ERP system. For both the B2B and B2C platforms Youwe made it quicker and easier to work with and now the B2B clients and B2C customers can easily order bicycles and parts online.