For G4S, the problem was lead generation. Without capturing contact details from people downloading G4S reports, they were worried about missing out on potential leads. G4S challenged Youwe to create a campaign to promote GIS, an online monitoring system providing geopolitical intelligence on current and future threats to corporate security, travel, and business continuity.
Unique downloads
Open rate
Our solution
Our experts set up a marketing automation system to manage the delivery of email marketing and social media marketing as well as lead scoring and grading. Leads captured were assigned to a nurture program where they were scored on how interested they were in one of the G4S’s Risk Consulting proposition.
The results
The marketing team was able to deliver the details of people downloading G4S white papers to sales; this data visibility was a benefit for G4S’s wider sales team, with improved technology also helping enhance digital marketing know-how for lead acquisition.
This then provided marketing with a lead acquisition and lead nurturing framework. The lead acquisition campaign delivered 1062 unique downloads of their white paper. The high download number was enabled by an email open rate of 13.83% resulting in a 2.17% click-through rate.